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Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) | First High Level Meetingof the Africa-EU Energy PartnershipVienna, 2010

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First High Level Meeting
of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership
Vienna, 2010


Day 1: 14 September Day 2: 15 September

Also check the list of high level participants and speakers

Day 1: 14 September 2010

8.30 am

Entrance Hall, Josefplatz, Vienna Hofburg

9.00 am

Welcome and Official Opening

  • H.E. Dr Michael Spindelegger
    Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Republic of Austria
  • H.E. Devanand Virahsawmy
    Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Republic of Mauritius

9.30 am

Shaping the Future
Political Targets for Energy Access,
Energy Security and Renewable Energy in 2020

Development and prospects of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership

  • ”A Message from the Private Sector”
    Dr Christoph Leitl
    President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Republic of Austria
  • H.E. Günther Oettinger
    Commissioner for Energy, European Commission
  • H.E. Dr Elham M.A. Ibrahim
    Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, African Union Commission

10.15 am

Facing the Future — An Energizing Partnership

Keynotes and Panel Discussion with the Partnership’s Co-Chairs as well as African and European Ministers

  • H.E. Gudrun Kopp
    Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Republic of Germany
  • H.E. Simon D’Ujanga
    State Minister for Energy and Mineral Development, Republic of Uganda
  • H.E. Dammipi Noupokou
    Minister of Mines and Energy, Togolese Republic

11.30 am

Endorsement of the HLM Ministerial Declaration and the AEEP Road Map

  • H.E. Dr Elham M.A. Ibrahim
    Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, African Union Commission
  • H.E. Günther Oettinger
    Commissioner for Energy, European Commission

12.00 pm

Buffet Lunch
Maria Theresien Appartements I-III

1.30 pm

Renewable Energy in Africa —
From Vast Potential to a Reliable Energy Source?

Challenges ahead:
Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) —
a Long-term (Political) Commitment

Africa and Europe have shared interests in an accelerated use of renewable energy resources. For both continents, renewable energy reduces dependency on fossil fuels, which contributes to improved energy security and access, and is the backbone of a future low-carbon energy system. The Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) reflects these interests and is a stimulating framework for going beyond (or further); even if challenges remain.

  • H.E. Andris Piebalgs
    Commissioner for Development, European Commission
  • H.E. Kiraitu Murungi
    Minister of Energy, Republic of Kenya


2.00 pm

Development options:
Technological solutions — from XS to XXL?

Over the coming decades, Africa will need much more energy for developing its economy, for meeting the MDGs and for providing modern energy services to all of its citizens. This will only be achievable through flexible approaches relying on different energy carriers, technologies, distribution systems and scales. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution: Large-scale centralised solutions are needed to supply reliable power to cities and industries and to guarantee acceleration in access numbers. With large-scale solutions there is scope for regional power trade to share resources and to lower costs. Small-scale solutions, one the other hand, are easily adaptable to specific environments and have lower distribution costs, but may lack the potential for a speedy scaling-up of access numbers. This session, therefore, in which three renewable energy landmark projects are presented, will illustrate the challenges and opportunities of small-scale, decentralised projects on the one hand and large scale solutions on the other hand and also give us some visions for the future.

  • H.E. Alemayehu Tegenu
    Minister of Mines and Energy, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
  • H.E. Gilbert Tshiongo Tshibinkubula wa Tumba
    Minister of Energy, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Max Schoen
    Member of the Supervisory Board, DESERTEC Foundation; President, Club of Rome Germany
  • Olivier Ngororabanga
    Project Manager, Rural Energy Promotion (REPro), Republic of Rwanda


2.45 pm

Coffee break
Gardesalon and Rauchsalon

3.15 pm

Making it happen:
Politics and the Market — Tailoring the Framework for Implementation

Political will and technological capabilities will not be sufficient to achieve the AEEP political targets alone. Politics, regulatory bodies, entrepreneurs, banks and private investors as well as users will have to negotiate a tailor-made framework which not only satisfies the interests of all stakeholders alike but which will also provide for adequate governance. This session will focus upon the preconditions, the necessities and the constraints for intra-societal and inter-societal cooperation and policy design to achieve the AEEP political targets by 2020.

  • H.E. Elizabeth Dipuo Peters
    Minister of Energy, Republic of South Africa
  • Jean-Yves Grosclaude
    Director of the Technical Department, French Development Agency (AFD)
  • Kurt Lonsway
    Division Manager, Environment and Climate Change, African Development Bank (AfDB)

4.15 pm

Reflections from Heads of Delegation from AEEP Countries

5.00 pm

Closing remarks
Outlook of the AEEP’s Future and Deliverables for the Africa-EU Summit

  • Aboubakari Baba-Moussa
    Director for Infrastructure and Energy, African Union Commission

Moderation throughout the whole day: Tumi Makgabo

6 pm

Upon invitation of H.E. Dr Michael Spindelegger, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Republic of Austria
Rooftop Foyer, Vienna Hofburg

Day 2: 15 September 2010

9.00 am

Entrance Hall, Josefplatz, Vienna Hofburg

9.30 am


  • Dr Kandeh K. Yumkella
    Director-General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • H.E. Emmanuel Buah
    Deputy Minister of Energy, Republic of Ghana
  • H.E. Ali Ahmed Osman
    State Minister of Petroleum, Republic of the Sudan

Moderation: Ambassador Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl

Presentations & Statements

10.00 am

Access to Energy —
How to Reach another 100 Million People? A Moderated Debate

For Africa, the necessity to provide, over the next decade, at least an additional 100 million people with access to modern energy services is unchallenged. However, how to achieve that objective is still largely an open question, which not only requires strong political commitment to set targets and initiate action but also requires a clear understanding of how concrete results in the field of energy access can be obtained.

Meeting these targets will require on the one hand, massive deployment of both private and public resources and on the other hand, innovative models that make energy service provision in poor, sparsely populated areas economically viable. In addition, fundamental choices will need to be made on strategic approaches, both organisational and technical. There are many, often conflicting views on how to achieve the objective.

The format will be a moderated, lively debate with active involvement from all participants.

Expert Group

  • Dr Albert Butare
    CEO, Fatracs Co Ltd, former Minister of State for Energy, Republic of Rwanda
  • Dr Guido Glania
    Secretary General, Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE)
  • Mahama Kappiah
    Executive Director, ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)
  • Franz Marré
    Head of Division for Water, Energy and Urban Development, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Republic of Germany
  • Prof Nebojsa Nakicenovic
    Professor of Energy Economics, Vienna University of Technology and Deputy, Director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
  • Philippe Niyongabo
    Head of Energy Division, Department of Infrastructure and Energy, African Union Commission
  • Robert van der Plas
    Director, Marchéage et Gestion de l’Environnement (MARGE)

Moderation: Ilona Eichhorn

12.30 pm

Closing remarks

  • Ambassador Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl
    Director General for Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Republic of Austria

1.00 pm

Buffet Lunch
Maria Theresien Appartements I-III

2.00 pm

5th Joint Experts Group (JEG) Meeting

The First High Level Meeting was followed by an informal Joint Experts Group (JEG) Meeting on working level. (End of Meeting: 6.00 pm)

  • Austrian Development Cooperation, Republic of Austria
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Republic of Germany
  • Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities, Republic of Mauritius
  • Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia