Day 1: 11 February 2014
08:00 am Registration
AUC main conference entrance
9:30 am
Side-Events, Morning Sessions
- Accelerating inclusive energy access solutions and policy through partnerships with Civil Society
Venue: Medium Conference Hall - Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP): Presentation and Stakeholder Consultation
Venue: Conference Room 1 - Mini-grid Policy Toolkit Consultation Workshop
Venue: Conference Room 2
10:30 am Coffee Break
11.00 am
Side-Events, Morning Sessions continue
01:00 pm
Lunch and Opening of the Exhibition
List of exhibitors, PDF, 345 kB
More about the exhibition
2:30 pm
“Mini-JEG”: Consolidation of the Addis Ababa Draft Declaration
(Upon separate invitation only)
Venue: Caucus Room 3
2:30 pm
Side-Events, Afternoon Sessions
- Making Sound Energy Decisions: the Role of Data Collection in Africa
Venue: Medium Conference Hall - Attracting Investment for Clean Energy in Africa: The Climatescope Index
Venue: Conference Room 1 - Rural Electrification: Financial Models and Commercial Project Examples
Venue: Conference Room 2
3:30 pm Coffee Break
4.00 pm
Side-Events, Afternoon Sessions continue
06:00 pm Cocktail Reception
Venue: AUC Headquarters
Side Events Programme
PDF, 550 kB
Day 1/11 Feb, ZIP 39 MB
Day 2/12 Feb, ZIP 3.6 MB
Day 3/13 Feb, ZIP 823 kB
Side Events
Mini-grid Policy Toolkit Consultation Workshop
PDF, 289 kB
Making Sound Energy Decisions: the Role of Data Collection in Africa
PDF, 229 kB
Attracting Investment for Clean Energy in Africa: The Climatescope Index
PDF, 140 kB
Rural Electrification: Financial Models and Commercial Project Examples
PDF, 191 kB